One of the most important things to do when you’re pregnant is to stay happy and positive. A happy mum means a happy baby.
I can also relate to all the different feelings you have, and half the time you’re not even sure what you feel!
When you’re in a positive mindset you focus on looking after yourself more, eating the right foods, treating your body right, and you feel in the right frame of mind to help your baby to grow in a healthy way.
I’ve needed a bit of help to feel in a more positive mindset during my pregnancy as I have faced a few challenges along the way.
I have found 101 positive pregnancy affirmations to help you on your journey through pregnancy.
Table of Contents
What Are Affirmations?
Affirmations are short sayings or quotes that we can use to help us create the feelings and beliefs that we want.
We’ve all heard the saying ‘thoughts become things’ right?
Which I believe to be true!
Affirmations can help reprogram our minds into believing things about ourselves, things that we want to happen in our lives, the world around us, and things that we are grateful for.
Why Use Pregnancy Affirmations?
Pregnancy affirmations can help keep us in a positive mindset as some days we can feel a bit low. Affirmations can boost our mood and help us remember that what we’re going through is a truly amazing experience and we should embrace it and cherish every second of it.
They can fill us with gratitude and hope, helping us to progress through our pregnancies with a happy outlook.
How To Use These Pregnancy Affirmations
There’s no right or wrong way to use these affirmations, you can do them whenever they suit you or when you need to do them.
You could do them first thing in the morning to start your day off right or just before you go to bed so you’re relaxed and can have a great sleep afterward.
I would say to set up a routine and try and do them on a regular, day-to-day basis so you get the full effect of them!
- You should find a quiet place where you feel comfortable and start by focusing on your breathing
- Think positive thoughts and try and focus on your goals and what you want to achieve
- Say your chosen affirmations for 3-5 minutes and really believe what you’re saying whilst doing so
- Keep breathing deeply and focusing on what you want and repeat this over at least twice a day
Just by practising this it will boost your mood and make you feel great.
What have you got to loose?
Even if you don’t truly believe it will help, give it a go and see how quickly your mood changes!
So now we’ve briefly learned about affirmations, let’s have a look at the list I have put together to help you start your journey to a happy, successful, joyful pregnancy!
101 Positive Pregnancy Affirmations
I am prepared to calmly meet whatever path my birthing takes
I take full ownership of the birth of my baby
I am the peacekeeper of my life
I set my worries aside and I allow my body to do its job
I love my pregnant body; it is radiant, beautiful, and blissful because it is equipped with everything I need to take care of my baby
This pregnancy and this baby is exactly meant to be
I welcome the challenge of motherhood with grace, gratitude, and a warm heart filled with love
I look forward to my birth with eagerness and excitement, knowing I’ll meet my baby soon
I am a strong woman
My body is perfectly made for this
I am strong, courageous, confident, and resilient enough to face this pregnancy
My baby knows their true birthday
My baby is beautiful and healthy
My baby is healthy, beautiful, and strong
My baby and I are safe
I love my baby belly and I love how my body changes to create a safe space for my baby
I feel blessed, privileged, and favored to carry my baby inside of me
I know how to take care of my baby
I make the best decisions for me and my baby
I am worthy of this pregnancy
I fill my body and mind with good stuff
Every kick is a reminder of a developing blessing inside of me
I welcome the changes in my body
My changing body is radiantly beautiful
The pain of a few hours brings the beauty of a lifetime
My placenta provides my baby with perfect nourishment
I release all worries, tensions, and pains of pregnancy and concentrate only on the joys of pregnancy and of having a child.
I have complete confidence that my body is working perfectly
I am happy, healthy and ready
I birth with complete ease and joy.
I am ready to be a mum
I can endure all and will endure all that comes my way
I listen to what my body needs
I easily use my voice during my birthing time to let people know exactly what I want and need
I am grateful for my pregnancy
I stay focused and find my happy place
My baby feels my love
I believe in myself and my natural ability to give birth easily, peacefully, and in comfort
I will make plenty of breast milk for my baby
I am so glad I am a mother
I am blessed and privileged to be pregnant. Pregnancy is a source of happiness for me.
I take good care of myself so that my baby is well nourished, feels protected and grows well in my womb
I only allow positive energy in my home
I picture my babies birth as swift and gentle.
My pregnancy will end but memories will last forever
My love for you will grow every day just like you will
I am in complete control of my body and my mind
My baby and I are healthy and strong
I intuitively know what kind of food my body needs
Any day now, my life will change for the better with you in it my dearest child
My partner is already a loving father
I eat nourishing foods every day for me baby
Growing my baby is empowering for me
My pregnant body is beautiful
Each passing day is meaningful
I trust my body to grow my baby. I trust my body to birth my baby
I will birth my baby peacefully, naturally and joyfully
My body is capable of carrying this baby
I enjoy everyday of my pregnancy
I give thanks for this pregnancy
I am cool, calm, happy, relaxed and expecting
My body is full of life
During pregnancy, I have become more beautiful and more radiant. This is because I take good care of my baby and myself
I will not compare myself to others
I am in complete harmony with my baby and my body
My birth partner is by my side and on my side
My partner and I are the worlds best team
I am happy, healthy and pregnant
It is safe for me to be happy during this pregnancy. I deserve this blessing
I inhale calmness and serenity and exhale tension and anxiety
I see my body as soft, relaxing, open
I am bringing a perfectly healthy, whole, and strong child into this world
I deserve a comfortable, easy, uncomplicated birth
I am strong, confident, assured and assertive
I know this is the right time for my baby to come to the world and bless our family
My partner and I are in this together
I feel confident about my body’s ability to give birth
I am nourishing my baby
My body is made to give birth nice and easy
I am envisioning a healthy delivery of a healthy baby
I know I will be an amazing mother
My baby is developing normally and will be born healthy, whole, safe, and at the perfect time
Loving energy surrounds my womb
My instincts will be there when I need them
Every week is a step closer to meeting my bundle of joy
It is safe for me to verbalize my feelings and desires
I easily stop negativity and protect myself and my baby
My body gives birth in its own perfect time
My partner is very supportive throughout my pregnancy
I will be a great mother
I can say no and still be respected
I am the best parent for my baby
Today, is the most beautiful day of my pregnancy
I put all fear aside as I prepare for the birth of my baby
I will take one moment at a time
I am eagerly awaiting my motherhood. I am full of gratitude for the chance of becoming a mother
I will think positively, for everything will be fine and my baby is going to be fine
Everything I need to take care of this baby is already within me
I am capable of delivering this baby
I believe in myself
I love my healthcare team and how they support me every step of the way
I hope you’ve found some of these pregnancy affirmations helpful and you’re able to apply these into your daily routine.
Remember to stay calm and practice these affirmations in your own time, in your own environment.
They will help you get through the rubbish days and boost your mood on the happy days.
You could get creative and use them in other ways such as recording them and playing them throughout your day or printing/ making the affirmations to hang on your wall so you’re subconsciously reading them every time you pass!
Have some fun!
Good luck with your pregnancy and I hope it is a pleasant, happy experience.
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